Tuesday, May 9, 2023

On Title 42

Here is an open letter to President Joe Biden on Title 42.

Dear President Biden,

I hope that you and your administration are doing well. I was wondering if you can please extend Title 42 past this Thursday and reinstitute the Trump administration’s successful Remain in Mexico policy. If illegal migrants stay in the U.S. while waiting for their asylum case to be heard, many of them may never show up to court and stay in the U.S. illegally indefinitely. There already are millions of illegal immigrants in the U.S., and the number will grow exponentially if Title 42 ends, since the U.S. economy has so much to offer.

It may seem empathetic to let just anyone into the U.S., but that’s not quite true. Eventually, we may end up like a third-world country if we let just anyone in, including potential terrorists. We need to maintain what makes the U.S. special and be selective about who we let in.

I hope that you can please extend Title 42 indefinitely, reinstitute the Remain in Mexico policy, and consider deploying the U.S. Army to protect our country from an onslaught of illegal immigration, which is almost indistinguishable from an invasion, which presidents are obligated in the U.S. Constitution to protect against. It is especially important to protect U.S. citizens from the deadly fentanyl that is being carried across the border. Also: Please finish the wall, or at minimum a strong border fence.

If you’re planning to share governance more closely with the government of Mexico, I believe that is something that both Congress and the courts have an obligation to have a say in and be able to veto, under the Constitution.

If there is any reason your hands are tied, such as pressure from foreign governments, I would like to know why. I am happy to listen in a way that is understanding, empathetic, and fair.

I also hope that you can negotiate in good faith with Speaker Kevin McCarthy and the other Republicans in the House and Senate on the debt limit. Our national debt is on an unsustainable trajectory, and I hope that you can listen more to economic advisers from the center-left and center-right.

Thank you for your consideration.

Bonnie Kavoussi

Update (May 10): Here is an informative news conference from DHS Secretary Mayorkas, where he emphasized that the border is not open.

Update (May 11): A possible endgame for what may happen is that U.S. states might be forced to close their borders with each other if we are unable to close our border with Mexico. This is because illegal immigrants might flood into, say, California and then try to make their way to somewhere like Texas.

It is absolutely essential for us to extend Title 42 and re-implement the Remain in Mexico policy. This is an invasion, and under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, the federal government has the obligation to protect states from invasion.

Update 2 (May 11): The Biden administration seems to be taking a level of appropriate action, as DHS Sec. Mayorkas is speaking about here.

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